
Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the application of vibrating needle in animal experiment

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:365 update:2018-04-27

ZHANG Weibo, XU Ping, WU Lijie, GAO Yuan, WEN Peitong, SHOU Yin, HU Li

(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: In the process of the author's acupuncture of 6 months old SD male rats,two methods are applied: vibrating needle stitch and single hand stitch,  average time-consuming and number of screaming in the acupuncture process for evaluation basis.  Based on the experience of acupuncture, the advantages and disadvantages of the application of vibrating needle in animal experiments were evaluated and analyzed. It is  found  that  in  the  position  of  the  convenient  for  vibrating  needle  injection,the  vibrating  needle  can significantly  shorten  the  time  of  injection,  alleviate  the  pain  of  the  injection  needle,  and  improve  the experimental efficiency.

Key words: Acupuncture and massage, Vibrating needle; Animal experiments; Acupuncture method