
Comparative Study on the Clinical Therapeutic Effect of Moxibustion from Different Origins in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Knee Osteoarthritis

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:395 update:2018-05-07

Shimin Liu Yin Shi Chunyan Wang Shiyong Xue Tao Li 

(1 Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, 201203; 2 Shanghai Institute 

of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Meridian, Shanghai, 200030)

Abstract  Objectives:  Based  on  the  clinical  randomized  controlled  trial,  treating  moderate  to severe knee osteoarthritis by using mugwort stick from different place of origin  (Qichun county, Hubei province VS Nanyang city, Henan province). Evaluating the clinical efficacy by WOMAC OA, VAS  and  SF-36  to  reveal  the  therapeutic  effect  and  short-term  effects  of  different  origin mugwort used.Methods: 60 patients with moderate to severe KOA were randomly assigned to 2 groups,  which are consisted of Qichun moxibustion group (here  in  after referred to as Qichun group) and Nanyang moxibustion group (hereinafter referred to as the Nanyang group), with each group 30 cases. All patients informed consent before treatment, and according to the criteria, the treatment  starts  three days after  the  discontinuation of  all  kind of medication  related to  KOA. Qichun group uses the 3-year-old mugwort from Qi-Chun County, Hubei Province group as the Nanyang group also uses the 3-year-old mugwort from Nanyang city, Henan Province. The 10:1 mugwort processed into a diameter of 1.75cm, 20cm long Moxa. Du Bi (ST -35), Nei Xi Yan (EXLE4), He Ding  (EX-LE2) were selected, moxibustion applied to each acupoints for 20 minutes, three times a week, two weeks in a total of six treatments. Observation of the effect was taken at the time of recruitment (0 weeks, W0), by the end of treatment (2 weeks, W2) and a follow-up for two weeks (4 weeks, W4). This study uses WOMAC OA scales, visual analog scale (VAS) scale and the SF-36 quality-of-life scale to evaluate the effect of the two group differences and the recent efficacy. A  database  was  created  after  the  trial  ended,  statistical  analysis  by  the  SPSS  v.23.0. Assessment:  Cure: WOMAC OA score lowered than 80% before treatment. Significantly  effective: score lowered between 50% and 80%. Slightly effective: score lowered between 25% and 50%. Ineffective: score lowered <25%. Results: 1. Baseline studies: Gender, age, lesion site, duration, WOMAC pain subjects, VAS scale, the physiological functions (PF) and body pain (BP) score of SP-36  showed  no  significant  difference  (P  >0.05)  in  both  groups.  2.  Qichun  pain  subjects comparison: At the end of the treatment, WOMAC pain subjects,  VAS scale, SF-36 PF and BP scores have significant difference compared to the baseline (P <0.01). In two weeks of follow-up, WOMAC pain subjects, VAS scale have significant  difference compared to the baseline (P<0.01), SF-36  PF  and  BP  scores  have  significant  difference  compared  to  the  baseline  (P  <0.05).  3. Nanyang group pain subjects comparison: At the end of treatment, WOMAC pain  subjects, VAS scale, SF-36 PF and BP scores have significant difference compared to the baseline (P <0.01). In two weeks of  follow-up, WOMAC pain subjects, VAS scale has  significant difference compared to  the  baseline  (P  <0.01),  SF-36  PF  and  BP  scores  has  significant  difference  compared  with baseline(P  <0.05).  4.  Trial  interventions:  vertical  comparison:  the  decreasing  of  scores  in WOMAC pain  subjects, VAS scale, SF-36 PF of both groups showed no significant differences (P  >0.05).  The increasing scores in SF-36 BP showed significant difference (P  <0.05). In two weeks of follow-up, the decreasing of scores in WOMAC pain subjects, VAS scale of both groupsshowed no significant differences (P >0.05). Conclusion:  1.  Moxibustion  treatment  for  moderate  to  severe  osteoarthritis  of  the  knee  cansignificantly relieve patients’ pain, stiffness and improve knee functions and quality of life.  2. There is no significant difference of treating effect between using mugwort from two  different origins in the treatment. The difference of the short-term treatment needs further studies.

Key  words:  Different  origins;  Moxibustion;  Moderate  to  severe  osteoarthritis  of  the  knee; Therapeutic effect