Intellectual property protection in the development ofacupuncture
ˡ Medical Center Umberto I Via Policastrelli N.114
98057 San Pietro Di Milazzo-Messina, (Italy)
KEYWORDS: Intellectual property protection in the development of acupuncture
OBJECTIVES: to share the results of my studies showing a close interconnection between thecerebellum, the brain and the physical body and the consequent practical application on thehuman being.
METHODS: Neuroscience allows us to explore the brain thoroughly. This knowledge allows
us to fully learn the Art of Acupuncture. It is my intention to focus attention on Knowledge ratherthan on the Technique used to cure. My studies have led me to understand the close andprecise relationship that exists between the cerebellum, the brain and the physical body. I considerthe cerebellum as the seat, the source, of all the qualities and virtues inherent in the humanbeing. If properly stimulated, this organ can send to the brain the information needed toprovide a “map”, a “pattern”, a “photograph” of the state of all organs of the human body, andthe correct reading of that image can lead to the exact diagnosis and appropriate remedies to beapplied.
RESULTS: clinical cases:
•Clinical experience regarding the amputation of a third of the left foot
DISCUSSION / CONCLUSIONS: Through Knowledge we can bring to light the true essence
of the Acupuncture as it was understood and practiced at its origin. Disharmony is the symbolof an error, of a wrong direction of energy. It is not the mistake in itself, but the consequenceand, as a symbol, demonstrates its precise meaning to the extent that it is understood. If thedisharmony of the human being is the result of an incorrect energy direction, then only the Understandingof oneself and therefore of things can lead to the cessation of pain and suffering byrestoring harmony.