
A survey on the causes of resurrection of defunct “Lazarus phenomenon” from acupuncture perspective

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:347 update:2018-05-07

Dr.Nadali Esmaeili Ahangarkelai,

Head, Scientific Studies Institute of NadaliEsmaeli, Training and Studies of Acupuncture Center

Abstract: Background and Objective: Every year in the world, a significant number of people who have passed a way for different reasons, revive. In many of these cases, medical science has no answer for the phenomenon. This study investigates the causes of temporary death and revival from acupuncture perspective. Methods: This research is a descriptive study done in 2017. The samples are chosen among individuals in the world whose resurrection has been reported by the media. A check list was prepared by consulting the experts which contains age, gender, cause of death, death duration, cause of revival, place of revival, consciousness after death and governmental verification of death. Data were reported using SPSS (19) software. Results: Death caused by heart disease and accidents is 20 (17.4 %) for each. 20 (17.4%) of the individuals who have resurrected were between the ages 20 to 40. Death duration was 24 hours for 17 people (14.8 %) and 1 to 30 minutes in 14 cases (12.2 %). Place of revival was hospital in 27 cases (23.5 %), morgue in 23 cases (20 %), autopsy lab in 6 cases (5.2 %) and tomb in 31 cases (21 %). 17 individuals (14.8 %) were conscious about their death before revival. Conclusions: It seems that major changes should be made in death prevention and specification in the world medical system. Correct recognition between temporary and permanent death can save many of the dead. Acupuncture points GV26 and Ki1 may have good impact on revival. More researches in this area can provide basic solutions for health policy determiners in the world.

Key words: Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, QI, Resurrection, Temporary death, Permanent death