
“Guan yuan point”and “Zusanli point”acupuncture point bury line in the peripheral blood in patients with heroin addiction research on the effects of DNA copy number

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:644 update:2018-07-19

Abstract: objective:“Guan yuan point”and “Zusanli point” acupuncture point bury line in the peripheral blood in patients with heroin addiction research on the effects of DNA copy number, provides the treatment methods and basis for the clinical drug efficiency. Methods: 80 cases of heroin addicts were randomly divided into 2 groups, the treatment group using acupuncture point bury line therapy, the control group using methadone treatment. Observation points embedded wire DNA copy number in peripheral blood in patients with heroin addiction. Results: acupoint embedded wire can significantly increase the DNA of the peripheral blood of patients with heroin addiction copy number (p < 0.01). Conclusion: compared with taking methadone, acupuncture point bury line can obviously increase the peripheral blood of patients with heroin addiction DNA copy number.

Key words: point embedded wire; heroin addicts; In the peripheral blood DNA copy number