
The European Foundation of TCM (FEMTC) becomes a full member of ETCMA

author:FEMTC source:FEMTC Click:2224 update:2019-11-08

On October 18, 2019, the General Secretary of ETCMA ( Ms. Georgette Young, which is the largest Association of Acupuncture and TCM in Europe, together with PEFOTS, officially communicated to Ms. Xinyue Calduch, Secretary of Institutional Relationships of the European Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (FEMTC), the official acceptance of the FEMTC, as a full member of ETCMA, after all the process that has been followed for the verification of quality control and compliance with the standards of ETCMA by our Foundation.


After the voting process by the current members of the ETCMA General Assembly, the FEMTC has been accepted as a full member, with the unanimous vote of all current members, an issue that we value very positively and encourages us to work side by side with our new travel companions, in defence of the interests of all who are part of the FEMTC and the sector, also at European level.

This participation, which is already effective, shall be formally presented at the next ETCMA General Assembly on March 2020 in Copenhagen.

With this incorporation, the FEMTC becomes a member of EUROCAM, through ETCMA, the lobbying tasks which we have been performing in the European Union, both in the European Commission (Brussels), and in the European Parliament (Strasbourg), will be benefited from the structure and assistance of this important institution.
