
Announcement: Online Sessions of WFAS 2021 International Symposium on Acupuncture-Moxibustion

author:WFAS source:WFAS Click:1768 update:2021-10-25


WFAS International Symposium on Acupuncture-Moxibustion is the most renowned international meeting specialized in acupuncture-moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine hosted by the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), which has been held for 28 times in different countries in the world in the past 34 years. In November 2020, WFAS 2020 International Symposium on Acupuncture-Moxibustion & 10th Anniversary of the Inscription of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Traditional Chinese Medicine in UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was successfully held in Haikou China and broadcasted online, joined by more than 700 onsite delegates and 10 million online viewers.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WFAS 2021 International Symposium on Acupuncture-Moxibustion, which was originally scheduled in New York, USA, has to be rearranged to take place in Zhuhai China. Meanwhile, online sessions and live broadcasts will be held welcoming those who cannot attend the on-site conference.


The Symposium intends to build a platform for exchanges of latest data, views and expert experience as well as information of regulations, technologies and services in terms of acupuncture-moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, featuring its role in building a global community of health for all and its unique value as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Guided by WHO’s Traditional Medicine Strategy, topics of the Symposium will cover a wide range from theoretical study, scientific research, clinical experience, education, rehabilitation, to development strategy, standardization, property rights protection, cultural communication etc.


If you are currently based in mainland China and are interested in joining the Zhuhai onsite session in person, please contact the Secretariat of WFAS via email <> requiring announcement (which is in Chinese only).


Registration is now open for WFAS 2021 online sessions, please go to the following link to register FOR FREE.


Information and link to watch live broadcasts will be continuously updated on this webpage so it is strongly recommended you save and follow this page.



14 December 2021. Please see details on the page of each online session.



TCM Acupuncture-Moxibustion Contributes to Building a Global Community of Health for All



English (Chinese language is available for only some of the sessions such as the opening ceremony)

Watch Online

Online sessions in schedule (click to see details)

WFAS 2021 Online Session USA

China-Central and Eastern European Countries Traditional Medicine Forum☚

China-African Countries Traditional Medicine Forum

the training session of WFAS “The Belt and Road” International Education and Training (Evaluation) Center of Acupuncture-Moxibustion of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Philippines☚


And delegates may watch online live broadcasts of Zhuhai onsite conference:

Opening Ceremony

Keynote speeches

Combination of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine - the International Forum on Respiratory Health


Topics to be discussed

1. Scientific and technological innovation, and platform building for achievement transformation regarding acupuncture-moxibustion and traditional Chinese medicine.

2. Medical service and talent cultivation of TCM.

3. Popularization and application of appropriate techniques of acupuncture-moxibustion and TCM.

4. Quality standard and trade of products related with acupuncture-moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine and so on.

5. Basic research, equipment development, as well as transformation and application of TCM acupuncture-moxibustion.

6. Preventative and therapeutic effects of TCM acupuncture-moxibustion in public health emergency, critical illnesses, geriatric disorders and chronic diseases.

7. Clinical evaluation, standardization, normalization, and protection of intellectual property of TCM acupuncture-moxibustion.

8. Inheritance education, representative schools, culture communication and trade of services related with TCM acupuncture-moxibustion.

9. Progress in interdisciplinary research between traditional medicine including TCM acupuncture- moxibustion and biological medicine, information technology, etc.



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