
Grand TCM communications of B&R

author:超级管理员 source:本站原创 Click:3691 update:2017-06-26

The Belt and Road(B&R) welcomes grand TCM communications of higher level

“ TCM is becoming more and more popular in our country but it’s not easy to find a professional practitioner” said by reporter Tiri from Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) who arrived in Beijing to attend the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) on 11th May, hoping that more professional TCM practitioners familiar with constitutions of local public are available for Mauritius.

His hope will be soon turned into reality. Two weeks ago, World Federation of Acupuncture-moxibustion Societies, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Ministry of Health of Mauritius signed cooperative intent in the field of TCM and Acupuncture-Moxibustion, which includes education&training, academic exchanges, clinical case registration of TCM and Acupuncture-Moxibustion and promotion of constructing TCM centers. Mauritius President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim is also looking forward to the implemention of the intent.

Another important B&R node and the end of ancient Silk Road Italy coincides with the 20th anniversary of the 1st TCM and Acupuncture-Moxibustion master degree establishment. Sapienza University in Roma and Paracelso Research Institute have together trained hundreds of TCM and Acupuncture-Moxibustion practitioners recognized by Italian Medical Association.

 Recently, the step of TCM going-out continuously accelerated along B&R. In Dec. 2016, Traditional Chinese Medicine in China was published to announce China’s confidence and determination to firmly develop TCM. TCM has been spread to one hundred and eighty three countries and regions, with whom and international organizations Chinese government has signed cooperative agreements on TCM. In 2015, programs such as overseas TCM centers, international cooperation bases, international standard systems and international culture spread played a role in demonstrating and guiding in promotion of TCM going-out since the launch of TCM international cooperative projects.

 TCM has become key areas for governmental health cooperation among B&R countries. Nealy each medical team for foreign aid has TCM practitioners who become uncrowned diplomat. Sanya Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hainan Province offered TCM psychological rehabilitation service for fifty victims in terror at Beslan, Russia, which received praise from Russian prime minister and Ministry of Health. China’s FTA with ASEAN, Singapore, New Zealand, Peru, Switzerland, Australia all contain content of TCM.

What behind the speed-up of going out is the appeal for TCM from peoples of B&R countries. According to the 4th China National Image Global Survey, TCM is considered the most representative Chinese element overseas. Cupping imprint on foreign athletes such as Phillips become popular at Rio Olympic Games, which sparked TCM heat.

 The speed-up of going out also promotes the development of TCM itself. ISO established TCM Technical Committee and issued over ten international standards of TCM. Traditional medicine represented by TCM was first included into WHO international classification of disease coding.

The speed-up of going out originates from the support from our government for TCM vitalization and development. Planning for B&R TCM Development( 2016-2020) was published in Dec. 2016, indicating that new pattern of all-round cooperation of TCM B&R will be formed in 2020 that joint-builds thirty TCM centers overseas with B&R countries, issues twenty TCM international standards, registers one hundred TCM products and construct fifty cooperative demonstration bases for TCM external exchange.

Cooperation with B&R countries on TCM is welcoming grand opening,grand communications and grand integration of bigger range,higher standard and deeper level.