
“Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Cup” the 5th World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Perfectly Completed

From 2nd to 3rd 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, 2023, under the support of International Cooperation Project of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Cup” 5th World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine co-organized by the Secretariat of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and the Center for International Development of TCM of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was successfully held in Shenzhen, China. 

This year’s essay competition lasted for 6 months, attracting nearly 200 contestants from more than 30 colleges and universities in many countries and regions. After fierce competition, a total of 39 contestants entered the final of Main Group, and 26 contestants was promoted to the final of the Experience-sharing group and Creative group. The final of the Main Group was held at the same time as the final of the Experience-sharing Group and Creative Group. The final of Main Group was hosted by Liu Jingyuan, deputy director of Office of Secretariat of WFAS. The final of Experience-sharing Group and Creative Group was hosted by Xu Yiyuan, vice secretary general of Health Communication Working Committee of WFAS. 

In the final, the contestants focusing on foreign aid medical policy, acupuncture-moxibustion international communication, the development of traditional Chinese medicine abroad, health tourism of TCM, and other aspects, expounded their understandings of traditional Chinese medicine with real learning experience, vivid cases and professional contents, told the story of Chinese medicine, expressed his love of the cause of traditional Chinese medicine and the unremitting pursuit of the cause of traditional Chinese medicine.

The judges of the final of Main Group included Liu Baoyan, chief editor of Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion, president of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, committeeman of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Liu Chunxiang, deputy director of TCM Practitioners Qualification Certification Center of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China, Liu Guozheng, former director of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, director of Editing and Publishing Professional Committee of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Han Yanjing, executive editor of Acupuncture Research and executive deputy director of Journal Center of Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Lu Yexin, deputy director of China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hua Qiang, director of Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The judges believed that the contestants have good academic research ability and strong professionalism, covering the international dissemination of TCM culture, overseas development status, health care methods, treatment techniques and other perspectives. 

The judges of the final of Experience-sharing Group and Creative Group were Zhao Hong, director of Division of European, Oceania and African Affairs of the Department of International Cooperation of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wu Huangan, vice president of China Association of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and deputy to the National People’s Congress, Ma Jun, member of the National Committee of CPPCC and vice president of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Yue Zheng, vice president of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd and inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage Project in Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, Yu Haibo, famous TCM doctor in Guangdong Province and director of Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. In the comments, the judges agreed that the competition attracted a lot of foreign contestants, which fully reflected the international influence and recognition of TCM. The performance of contestants fully demonstrated the sunny and confident spirit of the young TCM students. 

After the final, director Lu Yexin and Prof. Wu Huangan declared the list of winners of the Main Group and the Featured Group. According to the comprehensive performance of the contestants, the Main Group awarded 2 first prizes, 6 second prizes, 10 third prizes and 10 excellence prizes. In the final of the Experience-sharing Group and Creative Group, 10 contestants won the Impressive Presentation Award and the Original Creation Award. 

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Director Lu Yexin declared the List of winners of the Main Group

So far, the final of “Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Cup” the 5th World Essay Competition for College Students: Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Perfectly Completed

This event is exclusively named by Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd and is supported by TCM Practitioners Qualification Certification Center of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chinese and English versions), China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Acupuncture Research, World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, Chinese Medicine and Culture (Chinese and English versions), TCM Healthy Life-Nurturing and many other institutions and publications.

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Written by Qiao Huijun, Liu Jingyuan

Reviewed by Yang Yuyang

Symposium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Diplomacy and Global Community of Health for All &General Election of International Communication Working Committee of WFAS

(Contributors:1. International Communication Working Committee Secretariat of WFAS; 2.Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

On April 8th 2023, Symposium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Diplomacy and Global Community of Health for All & General Election of International Communication Working Committee of WFAS has been held successfully in Linqu County, Shandong Province. Prof. Liu Baoyan, the President of WFAS, attended the conference and delivered a speech. Prof. Gao Shuzhong was re-elected as Director of the International Communication Working Committee of WFAS (CCWFAS). The conference was chaired by Ms. Liu Junhua, the Deputy Director and Secretary-General of CCWFAS. 

At the conference, Prof. Liu Baoyan extended warm congratulations to the second CCWFAS and hoped all members of the committee would shoulder the burden bravely and provide support for the international promotion of TCM acupuncture-moxibustion (acu-mox). He pointed out that acu-mox of extensiveness and localization in its international promotion. In recent years, the levels of acu-mox clinical and basic research have been significantly improved, and acu-mox standardization has been expanded greatly. However, at the same time, there is a huge imbalance in the development of acu-mox all over the world. Prof. Liu Baoyan stressed that working committees are working units of WFAS. He hoped that CCWFAS would further refine its work tasks, carry out researches on major traditional medicine organizations and their administrative bodies of the world, and know well of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine activities both at WHO headquarter and regional offices, to provide information and consultation for WFAS and its working committees to participate in the activities of WHO, and to make great effort to the international development of TCM acu-mox.

Prof. Gao Shuzhong thanked WFAS leaders and committee members for the trust and support. He reported the work tasks and thoughts of the 2nd CCWFAS. Prof. Gao Shuzhong said that he would unite and lead all members of the 2nd CCWFAS to make joint efforts to expand the international cooperation network of TCM acu-mox, to build an academic exchange platform, share cooperation resources, and make more contributions on the inheritance, innovation, development and international promotion of TCM acu-mox.

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Online and offline voting was adopted to vote the 2nd CCWFAS, with 1 Director, 9 Deputy Directors, 1 Secretary-General, 1 Vice Secretary-General, and 33 Members. All members are from 14 countries and regions, including Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, UK, Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, etc. The Deputy Director and Secretary-General of CCWFAS, Ms. Liu Junha explained the Working Rules of the International Committee of Working Committee of WFAS.

This conference is one of the sub-forums of the First Yishan Health Talk & TCM Health Conference. 50 participants including leaders of WFAS and candidate members of the 2nd CCWFAS attended the conference online and offline. During the conference, the newly elected members discussed and exchanged thoughts on acu-mox diplomacy, global community of health for all, and work plan of the 2nd CCWFAS based on their own experiences in the fields of acu-mox international promotion, industry, international education, etc.

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WFAS 2023 New Year Message


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