Study on The Mechanisms of Time Difference of Acupuncture On Fibroblast Cytoskeleton Protein in “Zusanli” Acupoint in Rats
LIU Nannan, WANG Yu, ZHANG Xiaohong, HUANG Shiqi, ZHOU Minjie, JING Mingyi, CAI Dingjun
(Chengdu University of TCM, Chengdu 610032)
Abstract: Objective: The excess and deficiency of yingfen and weifen, yin and yang, the mutural restriction and reinforcement of yin and yang of zang-fu organs, as well as the circulation of qi and blood and body fluid inside human body change with time.Based on the theory, acupuncture methods related colosely to chronomedicine such as acupuncture based on midnight-noon ebb-flow were formed.These methods of puncturing certain acupoints at different time points can be more effective. Changes over time in acupoint area may be important to the choices of puncture time. Fibroblasts, as the largest number of cells in loose connective tissue, are the cellular basis for mechanical stimulation of acupuncture. Acupuncture can cause fibroblast skeletal remodeling and has obvious time specificity. Previous studies have shown that acupuncture cause the fibroblast skeletal changes at the acupoint area is most significant at the ZT12 time point, whereas the least significant at the ZT16 time point.Fibroblasts can sense and transmit mechanical stimulation, they can also transform this mechanical stimulation into mechanical signals, resulting a series of biological effects in cells. This signal transformation of fibroblasts is due to the receptor effect of its cytoskeleton. But the molecular mechanism of how this stimulation transform into chemical signals is still not concluded. P38MAPK is a classical pathway in the MAPK signaling pathway, and the P38MAPK inhibits the MRP8/MRP14 complex by causing MAP14(S100A9) in the excess calcium phosphate binding protein to cause microtubule multimerization. In this study, we selected the classical P38MAPK protein pathway to explore the molecular mechanism of how acupuncture mechanical stimulation change into chemical signals. Methods: Put clean graded male SD rats(180-220g) into animal domestication rhythm isolated units for 7 days, choose a total of 36 rats that have basic pain threshold within 3-10s. The selected 108 rats were randomly divided into two groups, including model group (n=24) and blank group(n=12). The method of modeling was to inject CFA 0.1 ml into plantar surface of the model rats' right hind paws by intradermal injection, and the blank group was injected with equal amount of NS. After the succession of modeling, the rats were randomly divided into model group and acupuncture group, each group contains 12 rats. Then according to the different treatment time, each group was classified into 2 subgroups (ZT12、ZT16), each subgroup contains 6 rats. On the second day of successful modeling, the rats in acupuncture group received acupuncture treatment at the corresponding time point, while the blank group and the model group are only tied up at corresponding time point without any treatment. Methods of operation: use 0.5 inch needles, puncture the rats’ “Zusanli” on the affected limb, with Twirling manipulation for a minute after every five minutes, the treatment lasts thirty minutes in total. After 7 days of treatments, take the skin and subcutaneous tissue of rats’ acupoint area of “Zusanli” on the affected limb, and the expression of P38 / P-P38 at the acupoint area was detected by immunohistochemistry. Results: In the present study, at the ZT12 time point, the expression levels of P-P38MAPK and P38MAPK in the model group were significantly higher than those in the blank group(P <0.05).While the expression of P-P38MAPK and P38MAPK in the acupuncture group was significantly lower than that of model group (P <0.05).At the time point of ZT16, the expression of PP38MAPK and P38MAPK in the model group was higher than that in the blank group (P <0.05).Comparison at different time points between groups show that, the P-P38MAPK and P38MAPK expression at ZT16 time points in the blank and acupuncture group is higher than the ZT12 time point(P <0.05),and the expression of P-P38MAPK and P38MAPK in the model groupat ZT16 is significantly higher that ZT12 time point(P <0.01). Conclusion: Inflammatory pain can significantly
increase the expression of P38MAPK and phosphorylated P-P38MAPK in the acupoint area. The effect of acupuncture on the reconstruction of fibroblast skeleton at ZT12 was better than that of ZT16. This may be related to the decrease of P38MAPK expression level is more obvious at ZT12 than ZT16 time point and the reduction amplitude of P-P38MAPK by acupuncture was smaller than that of ZT16.
Key words: Acupuncture, Fibroblasts Cytoskeleton, Signal Channel Mechanism