
Experience of Professor Liu Qingguo Treating Depression With Acupuncture And TCM SummaryAnd His Clinical Cases Observation

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:390 update:2018-05-07

ZHANG He1,Verica Malinkova1, LIU Qingguo1

(1Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing,100029)

Abstract: The morbidity of depression has been keeping in a high level and is still increasing, which brings serious harm to human physical and psychological health. During long terms of clinical experience, Professor Liu Qingguo has accumulated abundant experience in treating depression; thoughts of prominent effective TCM and acupuncture treatment has come into being, which kernel is kaiyutiaoshen ( adjust shen spirit and relieve uneasiness of body and mind ) acupuncture therapy; this thesis aims to summarize its theory, acupoints formula ideas, acupuncture operation methods and the use of scalp pyropuncture, also presented two clinical case observations.

Key words: kaiyutiaoshen acupuncture therapy;depression; prof.Liu Qingguo; experience