TCM in Europe – achievements and challenges
GerdOhmstede, Germany
EC member of WFAS
President of ETCMA (European TCM Association)
Guest Professor of CDUTCM
Former President of TCM KongressRothenburg, Germany
The TCM advocacy, health political understanding, professionalization of TCM organizations, of TCM schools, of TCM clinics, of TCM practitioners and information of TCM patients has to be developed to reach the position of its potential in our health care system(s). Still the national TCM institutions are working without using the potential of professional international network and research results to develop strength and gain more political influence.
ETCMA (European TCM association) is a center of networking of all relevant levels of TCM in Europe. This speech shows latest achievements in different European countries and challenges of integration in national health systems
Key words
Growth of TCM, national TCM institutions, professional networking, ETCMA