The research on the effect of Histamine in Acupuncture
Objective: To observe acupuncture effects, we analyze the function of histamine on acu-points, and provide evidence for the research on generation mechanism of the acupuncture effects.
Methods: First of all, we injected histamine or anti-histamine agent—diphenhydramine into Zu Sanli (ST36) of the acute gastric injury mice model. As an indicator of the gastric emptying rate, we observe the histamine effects of acupuncture process at Zu Sanli (ST36). Next step, as indicator of the pain threshold change rate, we observe the acupuncture analgesia effect of histamine into Zu Sanli (ST36) on the mast cell deficiency mice.
Results: Injection of histamine into the point has a tendency to promote the gastric emptying rate of the gastric injury mice. But after injecting histamine into the acu-point, needling attenuated the acupuncture effect, and injecting anti-histamine agent -- diphenhydramine into the point, needling has no promotion effects on gastric emptying rate of the gastric injury mice. Injection of histamine into the point has promotion effects of acupuncture analgesia in Zu Sanli (ST36) on the mast cell deficiency mice, but after injecting histamine into the acu-point, needling attenuated the acupuncture effect. That indicated histamine injection have a acupuncture alike action, but histamine injections and acupuncture can not play a synergistic effect.
Conclusion: The generation of acupuncture effects relates closely with histamine, and histamine possibly has a direct function in acupuncture effects.