
Immediate Effect Evaluation of Acupuncture Treating Shoulder Pain with A Single Acupoint

author:孙梦晓 source:本站原创 Click:682 update:2018-07-24

Silva-Filho, Reginaldo1, 2; Gao, ShuZhong2

1Brazilian College of Chinese Medicine

2Shandong University of Chinese Medicine


Shoulder pain is a common clinical complaint which impairs daily life activities and also worsens quality of life, affecting people from all ages with a higher prevalence on people over 50 years. Acupuncture is an effective and proven treatment for different kinds of pain and throughout the history different methods have been applied for the treatment of shoulder pain. Very few studies have been conducted with a Brazilian population which might have specific characteristics. This was the first research of its kind in Brazil, relating to the evaluation of the immediate effect of a single acupoint on the treatment of shoulder pain.


Compare the efficacy of using single acupoints on shoulder pain (ROM, VAS as an indicator, just after one treatment). Mainly compared to the following two aspects: First, can single acupoint immediately improve the shoulder pain? Second, which is more effective local acupoints and distal acupoints?


50 patients were randomly assigned to 5 groups with 10 patients each, for one treatment only:

A:取肩髃穴Jian Yu

B:取条口穴Tiao Kou

C:取肾关穴Shen Guan

D:取阳陵泉穴Yang Ling Quan

E:取液门穴Ye Men

Inclusion Criteria: age: 18 ≤ age ≤ 70; meet the criteria for the diagnosis of shoulder pain; did not participate in other ongoing clinical studies; Sign informed consent and voluntarily participate in this study.

Exclusion Criteria: patients with neurological disorders, inflammation, infectious diseases, tumor; shoulder fracture or surgery; pregnant or lactating patients; AIDS patients; to be part in any other clinical researchers.

Procedure: proper body posture (with specific direction and movement of shoulder joint). Routine disinfection in local skin and regular insertion of the needle and penetration to the appropriate depth, followed by needle manipulation and active movement of the shoulder joint. It was used disposable stainless steel needle (Dong Fang needle), specifications: 0.25x40mm.



From this pilot study it was demonstrated that acupuncture can be effective on immediate relief of shoulder pain. Further studies are recommended, including those based on a randomized control trial with a larger sample.


Silva-Filho, Reginaldo1, 2; Gao, ShuZhong2






比较使用单一穴位对肩痛的疗效(ROM, VAS作为一个指标,仅在每次治疗后)。主要与以下两个方面作比较:第一,单一穴位能立即改善肩痛吗?第二,局部穴位和远端穴位哪一种更有效?



A:取肩髃穴Jian Yu

B:取条口穴Tiao Kou

C:取肾关穴Shen Guan

D:取阳陵泉穴Yang Ling Quan

E:取液门穴Ye Men

入选标准:年龄:18 ≤ age ≤ 70; 达到诊断肩痛的标准;未参与其他正在进行的临床研究;签署知情同意书并自愿参与本研究。


步骤:适当的身体姿势(有特定的方向和肩关节的运动)。局部皮肤常规消毒,并定期插入针具及刺入至适当的深度,接着是针的操作和肩关节的主动移动。本次研究采用一次性不锈钢针(东方针),规格为0.25 x40mm。


